Suspended Splendor: The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Hanging Plants

Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by April

Photo Credit: Sonia Growing a Jungle

Have you ever walked into someone else’s house (or saw the photos on social media) and thought about how beautiful the plants make the room feel? Hanging plants really do open up the entire room and make it feel more open and inviting.

Today, I am going to share the ultimate guide to the best indoor hanging plants for beginners! Learn how to plant, grow, and care for these plants as well as the benefits of having indoor plants scattered throughout your home. Plus, the best tips on where and how to hang them up!

Even if you don’t think you have a green thumb, there are lots of plants that are perfect for beginners. This guide is going to help you learn everything there is to know about indoor hanging plants.

  • How do you keep them alive?
  • What are the best containers?
  • Why should I even get some?
  • And most importantly – what are the best hanging plants for beginning gardeners?

Read through this plant guide and jump to the sections that answer the exact questions you might have. This will take you through every step of indoor gardening!

10 Of The Best Indoor Hanging Plants For Beginners

Don’t let indoor plants intimidate you. There are lots of hearty plants that can withstand lots of neglect and still thrive!

These are the best indoor hanging plants for beginners. You don’t have to have a green thumb to keep them alive and they don’t require a horticulture degree either. They are so easy- anyone can own them and care for them.

1. Devil’s Ivy

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Devil's Ivy

Also known as golden pothos, Devil’s Ivy – Epipremnum Aureum – is a climbing vine that grows easily.

It does best without direct sunlight but does need to be in a sunny spot occasionally. It thrives in both bright sunlight or dim lighting.

As for watering, it needs an average amount of water compared to other plants. It makes an excellent indoor plant because it thrives in average-high humidity.

Note: This is not a good plant to have if you own pets. It is toxic to both dogs and cats. If a dog or cat eats Devil’s Ivy, it will irritate their mouth and could cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even liver failure.

2. Snake Plants

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Snake Plant

Another nickname for snake plants is Mother In Law Tongues. These plants (Sansevierias) are extremely hardy. They thrive in low to medium light and put up with almost anything, even neglect and leaving them outside on accident.

These plants only need watered every 2-8 weeks. They need less water when the sun is less intense. If you leave them in direct sunshine, water them more often. This means that if you travel or forget to water your plants, this is the one for you.

They prefer medium light (that means about 10-feet away from a window) but, they also tolerate low and high amounts of light. Just keep them out of the direct, hot sun because they will actually burn up and wither.

There is not the best level of humidity for these plants. They do well in both dry air and in humid places.

This plant is also toxic to both dogs and cats. If they eat the leaves, it could lead to nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

3. Spider Plant

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Spider Plant

Also known as an airplane plant and St. Bernard’s Lily, the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is an indoor hanging plant that grows really quickly without much effort from you.

Even though these plants can tolerate lower light conditions, they thrive with bright indirect light. Direct sunlight will scorch the leaves, so keep them in a corner or away from being in front of a window.

You only need to water them once a week. They do best in a moderately humid environment, but really any home is excellent for these plants.

The good news is that the spider plant is not toxic to dogs or cats!

4. Boston Fern

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Boston Fern

Known for its full beauty, the Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is a plant that is very tolerant of drought-like conditions. It’s a very forgiving plant for anyone that is just learning how to care for green things.

It has lots of crazy nicknames. You’ll find people also call it a sword fern, tuber ladder fern, or fishbone fern – just to name a few.

The Bostern Fern doesn’t need a lot of light. In fact, it does best in indirect sunlight and can even do well in dim rooms.

As for watering, if you keep it in a humid room, you only need to water it twice a week. If the room is really dry, you might have to water it every day.

The thing you’ll have to watch out for is the humidity. These ferns need humid environments to thrive. I suggest placing a humidifier in the room with the fern. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can always just spray the leaves with water.

This plant is non-toxic to dogs and cats. It’s an excellent plant to have around if you have pets.

6. ZZ Plant

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - ZZ Plant

The nickname ZZ plant comes from shortening the scientific name  – Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Other people also call it Zanzibar Gem. People use them as both a tabletop plant or a floor plant.

They do best in moderate or medium light. People sell them as low-light plants. Even though they can tolerate low light, they do best with moderate light.

Make sure to not place them in front of a bright or hot window – they will burn up! They need to be at least 10 feet away from the windows.

This plant only needs to be thoroughly watered every 2-3 weeks in the summer and can go 3-4 weeks between waterings in the winter.

Since ZZ plants are native to tropical regions, they do best with humid conditions. Most plants will do fine in normal homes, but if you notice any brown spots, just mist the leaves a few times a week.

This plant is poisonous to dogs and cats so don’t allow them to eat the leaves!

6. Peperomia

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Peperomia

Also called a radiator plant or a baby rubber plant, the Peperomia (Peperomia) is a low-maintenance house plant and fits perfectly on bookshelves or desks.

You should keep them in bright rooms but away from direct sunlight. It grows best at room temperature between 65-80 degrees F.

Since they are native to tropical climates, they do best in more humid rooms, but they can still thrive in dryer parts of the house too.

You don’t need to water it very often – which is why this is such a great beginner plant. This plant only needs to be watered once every week or 10 days.

The Peperomia plants are non-toxic for humans, dogs, and cats!

7. Orchid

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Orchid

There are about 30,000 different species of orchids in the wild and 100,000 registered hybrids – meaning, there are way too many different types to list out the exact scientific name. The most popular one sold by florists is the Phalaenopsis species. This one is also called the moth orchid.

These lovely flowers don’t require any direct light, but they do need to stay in bright rooms around indirect sunshine. They can tolerate low light and thrive in an east window or under grow lights.

It has a lower tolerance for drought, so you’ll need to water it every day. After it matures and finishes growing you can cut back to watering every other week.

They don’t do well in very humid environments, which makes them ideal for homes that have dry air.

Orchids are not poisonous to dogs or cats.

8. Heartleaf Philodendron

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Heartleaf Philodendron

If you like plants with sprawling vines, then you should check out the Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)! It’s also commonly known as a sweetheart plant due to the shape of the leaves.

This is a very forgiving plant for anyone that forgets to water it. In fact, it prefers to be watered every 1-2 weeks and thrives when you let the soil dry out between waterings.

It doesn’t need a lot of light either. It will grow in medium indirect light but can also tolerate low indirect light too.

As for humidity, any level will do. If you keep the air in the room moist, the leaves will grow larger and faster.

Unfortunately, this plant is toxic to pets, so keep it away from your cats and dogs.

9. Aloe Vera

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Aloe Vera

Lots of people enjoy growing aloe vera (Aloe barbedensis) plants because they can be used as first aid. They are hardy succulents that don’t need a lot of care to do well.

The one thing that aloe vera plants do need a lot of is sunlight. They do best in medium to high light, so keep them near a really bright window. This means it needs at least 2-3 hours of sunshine a day, but can do well with a lot more than that.

Be careful not to scorch your plant! If it is in direct sunlight for too long (like all day) it will stress the plant and dry the leaves.

Since this plant needs to completely dry out before you water it again, you should only water it about once every 7-14 days. If it is in more light, it will need more water.

It does not need a lot of humidity to grow and thrive. Aloe vera plants will grow just fine in dry areas of the home.

It is mild or moderately toxic for pets, so it is best to just keep it away from your cats and dogs.

10. Air Plants

Indoor Hanging Plants Guide - Air Plants

Lots of beginning gardeners love air plants because they don’t require any soil. Scientifically, these are known as Tillandsia genus and Bromeliad family. There are more than 500 different species of air plants from which you can choose.

To make it easier, I’m just going to call them air plants.

Since they are native to arid regions, they do best in bright, filtered light rooms. In fact, you can even grow them under fluorescent lighting.

All you have to do is store the plant in a globe and then mist it every 4-5 days. Then, it will stay happy on your desk, bookshelf, or anywhere there is moderate light.

As for humidity, they don’t need a really humid place to thrive. You can keep them in your room as it is.

These are non-toxic to dogs and cats.

The Benefits Of Owning Indoor Hanging Plants

If you are wondering whether or not to get some indoor hanging plants – the answer is yes! You definitely should! There are so many mental and physical benefits of plants (not to mention how they improve your home decor too.)

Let’s look even closer at these benefits – and the studies that prove them.

Improve Your Air Quality

Did you know that you can use plants as a living air purifier? Some plants are better than others, but most leafy plants do some form of purifying indoors.

They do this through a process known as phytoremediation. This is where they remove pollutants from the air when they absorb the gases through their leaves and roots.

The plants that do this most effectively are:

  • Japanese Royal Ferns
  • Spider Plants
  • Boston Ferns
  • Purple Waffle Plants
  • English Ivy
  • Areca Palms
  • Golden Pothos
  • Aloe Vera
  • Snake Plants
  • Peace Lillies

If you ever felt like your home is stuffy, one solution might be to fill it with one, if not some, of these indoor plants. It can help improve air quality naturally!

Tip: Take a look at some of these NASA Approved Air-Filtering Plants that are even safe for your animals too.

The Psychological Benefits Of Plants

It has also been proven that plants can help your mental and emotional health too. It’s more than just beneficial for your emotions, it can actually help you think clearer and react better to stress.

Here are some other ways indoor hanging plants can help support you in your home:

Reduce Symptoms of Depression

There are lots of studies that show that gardening and spending time around plants increases feelings of relaxation. They can even leave you feeling happier and increase your positive moods.

This has an effect on symptoms of depression, too. There is a bacterium in soil called Mycobacterium vaccae that triggers the release of serotonin – a chemical in the brain that makes people feel happier and less anxious.

So, if you struggle with depression, consider taking up gardening as a hobby! Not only will looking at the plants make you feel better, but digging into the soil will do wonders for your mental health too.

Increase Memory Retention

Spending time around living plants can actually help your memory too. One study showed that people who spent time in an arboretum performed better on a memory test than the people who walked through a traffic-filled urban area.

If you work from home, consider the benefits this could have on both your job and your personal life. Keep the plants in the rooms where you spend the most time to get the most out of this benefit.

Higher Productivity And Concentration

If you work remotely or spend a lot of time at home, keep your plants somewhere you can see them. Studies show that students and employees with a view of nature were more alert, attentive, and more productive.

This is fantastic news for anyone that loves to fill their home with plants! It can actually help you improve your memory and cognitive functions.

Better Self-Esteem & Lower Stress

Gardening or taking care of indoor hanging plants may also have a positive impact on your self-esteem and stress levels. In fact, one study showed that actively interacting with plants reduced stress compared with other mental activities.

Other studies prove that people feel better about themselves when they are around living plants and nature. Of course, this could also be a combined effect of being more productive and less stressed. You will feel better about yourself when you feel happier too!

Hanging Plants Save Space

Now that you know how beneficial nature and gardening is, it’s a fact that not everyone has space to garden. Some condos and apartments don’t even have decks.

Well, thanks to hanging plants, you can maximize your living space! You can literally surround yourself with green living plants just by hanging them up on your wall or on a tiny deck. Some people hang them up from their ceiling too.

Keep reading – I’ll share in a bit all the different options for storing and displaying hanging plants.

Home Decor Benefits of Plants

Hanging baskets also benefit your home’s overall decor. When you decorate with plants, it enhances the feeling of serenity and beauty.

If you use plants that grow out with a vine, then you can use these vines to create a sense of movement within the room. You can actually move people’s eyes around the room just by how you display the plant’s leaves and vines.

Plants also give you a natural color palette! When you have hanging plants, you can use other earth-toned colors around the room without having to stress out about a color theme. You will often find plants in boho, farmhouse, or cottage decor trends.

Now you know all of these amazing benefits to having plants in your home, how do you hang them up?

How To Hang Plants Inside Your Home: Video

If you are a visual learner, then this video is perfect for you! Follow along as Harli G shows you step-by-step how to install hooks and hang up plants inside your house.

How To Hang Up and Style Plants Indoors

Whether you have lots of wall space or prefer to hang your plants from the ceiling, there are quite a few different ways to display your indoor plants.

These are just a few of the most popular ideas because there are just so many more out there!

My one piece of advice: Be creative. As long as you can reach the plants to water them and they have plenty of sunshine, you can hang up plants in a variety of ways.

Make A Gold DIY Hanging Planter

You can find everything you need for a custom DIY hanging planter at your favorite hardware store.

If you want to use a specific color that you can’t find, follow what A Beautiful Mess did and just use some spray paint! Then, you can either use metal bowls or pick out something funky from your local flea market. The best thing about this idea is that you can customize every single thing in it.

Tip: Use heavy twin instead of chains for a farmhouse look. Want a boho theme? Spray paint the bowl with a rainbow of colors! The options are endless.

Hang Plants On A Window Shelf

If you don’t have a window sill, you can install shelves in front of a window like Healthy, Home, and Heart did for your plants to set. Install as many shelves as you want or need!

This is a fantastic option if you have lots of potted plants that all need direct sunlight. A shelf isn’t the only way to do it, either. Screw some hooks into the ceiling above your window and allow your plants to sit in front of the window.

Remember, be careful with the plants that you choose to place right in a window. Some of them don’t do well with lots of direct light.

Use A Rack

There are lots of plant stands and racks that will hold indoor plants of all shapes and sizes. This one from The Reading Residence is one of my favorites! It is flat and has three levels.

There are other racks with more and fewer shelves. They fit with any decor theme and are really fantastic to put in front of a window or in a corner for low light hanging plants.

Place Racks On An Indoor Ladder

Ladders are multi-functional and can work as a rack when it comes to indoor hanging plants.

Another way to use a ladder indoors for plants is to set it up in the corner and hang the plants from each rung. Do what works for your room and space!

Hang Plants From The Ceiling

Another space-saving technique for indoor hanging plants is to make your own macrame plant hangers out of twine and upcycled glass bottles. Thanks to Kenarry, it takes almost no time at all and it gives your room an earthy, boho feeling to it.

If your plants don’t require a lot of light, you can put these plants in other rooms away from windows.

The Best Products To Buy For Hanging Plants

Now that you know where to display your hanging plants, these are the supplies you will need to make it happen! I recommend taking a look at this list of supplies before you start buying the plants.

You’ll basically need places to keep the plants as well as the tools to keep them alive.

Hanging Baskets

You can easily make your own hanging basket out of twine or rope. Or, save yourself time and just buy some macrame hanging planters that come with the hooks and everything you need.

If you tend to forget about water your plants, you should take a look at some of these self-watering hanging baskets which save you lots of time and energy.

Short on space? Think about using tiered hanging baskets! Some of them hold two or three plants vertically on the same hook.

Soil For Hanging Plants

You are also going to need some potting soil and maybe even some fertilizer for your indoor plants. It’s best to buy an indoor potting mix because it comes with everything you need for plants that will be staying out of the elements.

My biggest recommendation: Always do a little research before you buy the soil. Make sure it has all the nutrients and pH levels that your specific plants need.

Watering Indoor Plants

If you are afraid that you are going to kill your plants by overwatering them or not hydrating them enough, then it might be a good idea to invest in an automatic watering device. You can actually program it for 30 days at a time!

Or, you can save yourself some money and use self-watering spikes.

Basically, you:

  1. Fill up a recycled soda bottle with water.
  2. Then, screw this spike to the top of it (where the lid goes).
  3. Adjust the water outlet and it will slowly drip water into your plants.

It’s a wonderful time-saver with a drip time of about 1-2 weeks before you have to refill the bottle with more water!

Hooks For Hanging Plants

Even if your indoor planters come with hooks, you will still need a hook and brackets for the walls and ceiling. I suggest buying some that come in a pack of three and are extra-strong since planters tend to be heavy.

There are also brackets that are more decorative and ones that can go either indoors or outdoors.

You just need to find what’s right for you!

LED Grow Light

You won’t need to find a way to place your plants by the window or door if you have an LED grow light. This grow light has 6 dimmable levels and a timer so you can give your plants exactly how much light they need. It’s small and best for just a few plants.

If you have a lot of plants and you live in a very dark home, then invest in a larger grow lamp that actually hangs from the ceiling. This one has 600W LED lights that will grow vegetables and other plants indoors.

There you have it! Once you have all the tools and are completely set up, you are ready to start looking at which plants to buy for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions About Indoor Hanging Plants

I bet your head is swimming with ideas right now! There is so much more than just 10 indoor plants that are fantastic for beginners. When you look for a plant, always pay attention to how much water, light, and humidity it needs. This will tell you whether your home is set up to care for it correctly.

Here are some more questions people often ask about indoor plants. Your question might be here in this list!

How do you water high hanging plants indoors?

There are lots of things you can do to make watering high-hanging plants easier. Some people prefer to set up a sort of watering globe that waters the plants regularly for a month. Then, you just need a step ladder to change the watering globe when it runs out.

You can also install a pully system that will lower the plants down to you so you can water them.

Where should you hang a hanging plant?

Always research how much light the plant needs. Some do best without direct light. If this is the case, then you should hang the plants to the side of the window where it will still get light but not too much.

Ypu should also place the plants where you will see them and enjoy them the most. Many people place them in the kitchen or sitting rooms for this reason.

How long do hanging plants last?

If the plants are known as annuals, they will last for a season and then need to be replaced. Perennial plants will grow back year after year but will need to be replaced or pruned in order to keep growing.

Do indoor hanging plants need drainage?

If the plants are potted plants, they will need drainage (this does not apply to air plants). Drainage keeps the water from pooling at the base of the pot which can cause the plant to rot.

You can also fix this by not overwatering the plant!

What are the best indoor hanging plants for low light?

Lots of indoor plants do really well with low indoor light. These are the best ones you can buy:

  • Nerve Plant
  • ZZ Plant
  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Snake Plant
  • Spider Plant
  • Ponytail Palm
  • Arrowhead Plant
  • Calathea

Are succulents good in low light?

Actually, most succulents need bright indirect sunlight. Even so, these plants are really adaptable to a variety of different conditions and some will thrive in the shade. It’s always best to try and give them as much light as you can. Growing lamps or lights are good if you don’t have any windows for your succulents.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! This guide covered just about everything you ever wondered about indoor hanging plants for beginners. If you have ever wanted to try adding some plants to your home, now is the perfect time to start. Filling your home with plants is fantastic for both your mental and physical health.

Before you buy your plants, make sure you have all the tools so you are set up for success. Then, pick out the plants that will grow in your home and climate. If you don’t have lots of natural light in your home, pick out some low-light plants – they really do exist.

You are going to love this new plant adventure!

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