
DIYbunker was created with the vision of connecting people with the things they love in one convenient place. Every aspect of this site is intended to help readers improve their quality of life by keeping them informed about their hobbies and new opportunities that can help them grow as an individual.


Nice to Meet You!

I’m April, the creator behind DIYbunker. I believe that people should take the time out to find what makes them happy, and for us to do that, we must be exposed to as many new ideas as possible.

I try my best to do as much legwork for my readers as possible, but what makes this blog work is the readers’ contribution. On that note, I encourage all of you to voice your opinions by commenting on the posts you read. Your opinion is valuable, and trust me, we would all like to hear it! So please don’t be shy and make yourself comfortable. Talk to you soon! : )

Psst. Do you love dogs as much as I do? If the answer is yes, be sure to check out my other blog called Woof! It’s Zelda.

Want to become a hipster coffee nerd? Check out Brew That Coffee.

Have upcoming travel plans to Seattle, Washington? Check out Emerald City Dream.