22 Beautiful Winter Plants and Flowers That Survive the Cold

Last Updated on December 6, 2023 by April

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Winter is upon us, and the outdoors sometimes appears a bit lifeless and gloomy. If you are prepared though, you can make your home look like a vibrant winter wonderland.

There are lots of cold-weather plants to choose from that will come through and give you gorgeous blooms even if the weather doesn’t seem like it would allow it.

Check out these winter plants and flowers if you’re ready to take the plunge and turn your garden into the best on the block.

Why Winter Plants and Flowers…

During the winter, our gardens seem to get completely void of life. Change things up this year and choose winter plants and flowers that’ll thrive and bloom for you. Here are some of my favorite cold-weather plants.

Royal Star Magnolia

Royal Star Magnolia

If you need a significant-sized but not large plant that’ll survive the winter and smell divine, this is a gorgeous option.

Find it on Amazon here.



Witch Hazel


Glory of the Snow


These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From The Spruce

To make your home stand out during the cold winter snow, try this vibrant red plant. It’s very eye-catching!

Find it on Amazon here.

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood

You can count on this stunning yellow-green plant to bloom for you around the end of this winter. You can make it a small tree or shrub.

Find it on Amazon here.

Winter Jasmine

These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From Bakker

This plant will do wonders for your home if you use it as a climber. It will grow up to 15 feet.

Find it on Amazon here.



These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From Hayloft

The low growing cotoneaster will look fantastic in areas that don’t get foot traffic, such as around the pathway to your home.

Find it on Amazon here.

Viburnum x Bodnantense ‘Dawn’

Viburnum x Bodnantense 'Dawn'

You can expect beautiful pink blooms from January to March and then October to December.


These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From Wiki Wand

If you are looking for plants that’ll attract butterflies and birds alike, this will get you started on the path towards a fairy tale home setting.

Find it on Amazon here.

Winter Aconite


Kaffir Lily


These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From Maniverde

This yellow beauty will begin to bloom around November and will maintain it’s gorgeous color throughout the winter.

Find it on Amazon here.

Christmas Rose

These 9 Winter Friendly Plants Will Keep Your Home Looking More Than Alive This Cold Season. Seriously, these plants are STUNNING!
Found From 99 Roots

Plant each of these around 15 inches apart in the spring and then enjoy their white frosted appearance the following winter.

Find it on Amazon here.

Holly Bush


English Primrose


Even Winter Plants and Flowers are Possible!

Before doing the research, I seriously never would have thought such beautiful plants could survive the harsh winter cold. If they did, I would have imagined their flowers to be a lot less exciting. Boy, was I wrong! These plants are AMAZING. I can’t pick which one I love the most. Can you? Let us all know your favorites in the comments!

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  1. Beautiful variety of winter plants. One of my favorites ,that was not on the list, is Nandina, heavenly bamboo…outstanding clusters of red berries throughout the winter.

    • Hey Lois!

      Thanks for reaching out!

      The royal star magnolia, winter jasmine, and Viburnum x Bodnantense ‘Dawn’ are known to be pretty deer resistant. It’s worth giving them a try! 🙂

  2. We’ve had Heavenly bamboo for years! She took off and is as tall as our house now. But, that being said. The cuttings from it in the past did root and are scattered throughout our property now!

    • A friend of ours bought a house with 3 foot bamboo planted along the edge of his patio. By the time he was there five years, the bamboo had taken over his entire yard and was coming up through cracks inside his garage floor. It was so invasive it took an entire truck load of salt to kill his whole yard, and it still came up through the cracks of his garage floor.

      • Yep…same thing with Goji Berry (Matrimony Vine) way invasive underground and will destroy foundations and grow inside house…they have very bad thorns…it needs to be declared a noxious weed! Had to use toxic spray from Weed nd Pest called Crossbow…and heavy Roundup works for 2 years all along fences and in 5 rentals in quarter of block…I have killed it in southern WY and Southwest NE…they were selling it at Tractor Supply stupid people.

  3. Camellia Plants bloom late winter. I have red, white, and pink! I love them❤️
    so much. I must add some of these listed to my garden.

  4. Thank you for helping me to look up to the glory of God one more time through nature. These flowers are not only beautiful, but, they’re gorgeous and blessed! Thank you again. God is MIGHTY!

  5. These are beautiful,I would love to plant a few. New to Tennessee so..if I planted these in the spring, would I plant my regular perennials ..and they would be finished In the fall and next winter I might be lucky to enjoy some of these winter flowers..appreciate your help.

  6. Some of the photos showsnow on the ground.
    But you dont list the zones and / or moisture amounts needed.
    Have to look each one up. Thats ok but is it ok plant any of these now?
    Will they be able to root in time before winter comes in ? I live in Colorado Springs at an elavation of 6600 ft. Most local plant or garden centers ( not the home centers) say we are in zone 4a-b but most zones maps put us in zone 5.

  7. Wow 👏 😍 thanks so much for sharing! ! ! This is awesome 👌 I never thought there was anything like these beautiful plants 🪴 to admire in the winter.

  8. I’m looking for some flowers to plant in my small planter boxes outside that will survive and bloom for the fall and winter. Can you help me with a few varieties please?


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